book blogger hop

Favorite Summer Beach Book

The Book Blogger Hop was originally created by Jennifer from Crazy-For-Books in March 2010 and ended on December 31, 2012. With Jennifer’s permission, Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer relaunched the meme on February 15, 2013. Check out the hop here!

Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end on Thursday. There will be a weekly prompt featuring a book related question. The hop’s purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog.

The Question of the week is: July is the month for reading by the pool or on the beach. What’s your favorite summer beach book, and why is it suitable for a sunny day?

I’m not a seasonal reader, to be honest, and don’t think of books in terms of being a beach read or anything similar. So my pick of a book for reading at the beach would be basically whatever I was currently reading when I head for the beach – it could be a chick lit, it could be a horror, a sci-fi, or a European History textbook. I’ve been known to take my study materials and notebook and sit and read in the park, just as much as I have any other fiction book.

What makes it suitable for a sunny day is that it’s a book I’m reading in the sun. g

And heading for the beach with a book is something I’m hoping will happen much more with the amount of time I’m spending down in the South West. I’m not quite back to the beach I grew up reading on, but I’m not far away at all which is so awesome

book blogger hop

Book Blogger Hop catch up

I’ve missed a couple of weeks’ worth of Book Blogger Hop prompts, so let’s play catch up!

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Are there any books with themes or characters dealing with issues related to mental health that you have found to be enlightening or comforting

It might be a bit of a cliche answer, but I’ve found Matt Haig’s books to be both comforting and helpful, especially some of his mental health non-fiction. I read The Comfort Book and Notes on a Nervous Planet when I was really struggling with anxiety and agoraphobia, to the point where I couldn’t leave the house. There was just something so calming, so comforting and so relaxing about them that genuinely helped soothe my brain.

I recently read The Midnight Library – a book I’d been wanting to read for AGES but had been putting off because I got nervous I wouldn’t like it (I hadn’t been thrilled by one of Haig’s other fiction books I read). It was, however, utterly fantastic and I gave it 5 stars. The descriptions of Nora’s depression resonated so strongly with me.

Do you consider yourself a book collector or a book hoarder? Oh, definitely a collector. The collection looks a little hoard-like at the moment; there’s piles of books everywhere because I’m sorting them, cataloguing, reshelving and figuring out a) how many more bookshelves I need and b) where they’re going to go.

Summer often means more time for reading. Do you have a list of books you’re eager to start reading during June’s warm days? Do you have a summer reading goal? I’m not really a seasonal reader, but I did post my current summer TBR earlier this week.
I don’t think I have any specific summer reading goals, other than continuing to read most days and try to focus a little on some of my reading challenges that aren’t very far along.

Will society suffer in the future as a result of the younger generations’ lack of reading? OK so I don’t have any first hand knowledge of this, but based on what I’ve seen/heard, I’m going with yes. I also don’t think it’s the actual issue at hand, but rather a symptom of something much larger – although I can’t pin down what that actually is. Like, it would be super easy to blame social media for ‘rotting kids brains’ and ‘causing short attention spans’ but then you only have to look at the size of the bookish community on social media which is filled with readers of all ages – including, yes, the younger generations. I’m sure I’ve even seen stats that things like TikTok are inspiring teens/new adults to start reading and reading is trending upwards again

There’s a whole other rant about the way social media works and preys on people and oh I wish how it worked like it did 5, 10, years ago when it just showed me the people I’m following in chronological order – my social media experience is very carefully curated, I met pretty much my whole friends group through social media and lets not forget I met my fiancee on AO3 and Tumblr. But, as I said, that’s a whole other thing… it is connected tangentially in that it’s a symptom of the same larger issue that’s affecting society.

I don’t know if ‘suffer’ is necessarily what’s going to happen with society. Society is currently undergoing such a huge change through all levels and because we’re right in the middle of it, we can’t see the end of it and it’s scary and it’s easy to blame ‘the younger generations’. I’m a Millennial – we’re still getting blamed for everything after all!

I don’t know that I’ve actually answered the question – the answer is both yes and no and it’s complicated – but this is the post that it inspired!

weekly wednesday blogging challenge

Weekly Wednesday Blogging Challenge catch-up

I’ve missed a couple of weeks’ worth of Weekly Wednesday Blogging Challenge prompts, some of which were ones I actually wanted to answer so let’s play catch up!

Museums/Galleries I’ve visited/want to visit and starting with the disclaimer that British Colonialism was bad and artefacts absolutely belong with their own cultures and not with looters… however having said that, I thoroughly enjoy a good wander around a museum. I am a history nerd after all, and without the British Museum, I would never actually get to see things like the Rosetta Stone or the Elgin Marbles so I’ve got complicated, mixed-up, feelings about these things.

I do love the British Museum, the Natural History Museum, the National Gallery and the Portrait Gallery (although never go to the Tudor Gallery with me unless you want an impromptu history lesson because hello special interest!). I love science museums as well, I’ve been to the ones in London and Glasgow. I visit the Kelvingrove when I’m up in Glasgow, and Li and I visit the RAMM in Exeter regularly. Back home in Telford, I love Blists Hill and over in Dudley the Black Country Living Museum. Jorvik Viking Centre is so much fun too.

Basically, yes I love museums, I go to as many as I can and there are many many I want to go to – I’d be here all day listing all the ones I want to visit!

Books that are tearjerker and I’m sorry but have you met me? LMAO! I cry easily over books and genuinely cry over the majority of them. I cry over books that are sad, and I cry over the warm fuzzies. I love stories that really tug on my heartstrings and make me cry. The last one that spring to mind is The Teashop on The Corner – I cried at both happy, sad, and heartwarming points in that story.

Characters I See Differently Now Than I Used To. I still remember the first rewatch of Buffy when I started to realise that Giles was right. I was agreeing with Rupert Giles and that was terrifying. I was a similar age to Buffy, Xander and Willow when I first watched the show and saw Giles the same way they did. But then all of a sudden, I’m Giles’ age and he has a point and that was… yeah

top ten tuesday

Books on My Summer 2024 To-Read List

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. Create your own Top Ten list that fits that topic – putting your unique spin on it if you want. Everyone is welcome to join but please link back to The Artsy Reader Girl in your own Top Ten Tuesday post.

This week’s topic is Books on My Summer 2024 To-Read List and this is a mixture of books I’m currently reading that I’m hoping to finish over the coming weeks, and books at the very top of my TBR

Firstly, books I’m determined to finish this summer:

Heather Fawcett – Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries
Emily Henry – Book Lovers
Ronald Hutton – The Stations of the Sun: A History of the Ritual Year in Britain
Sarah J. Maas – A Court of Wings and Ruin
Matthew Reilly – Scarecrow

And for the books I’m looking to start reading this summer:

Ben Aaronovitch – False Value
K.C. Davis – How to Keep House While Drowning: A Gentle Approach to Cleaning and Organising
Evie Meg – My Nonidentical Twin
Rick Riordan – Percy Jackson & The Last Olympian
Erin Sterling – The Kiss Curse

Will I actually get to any of these? who knows!

What’s on your summer TBR?

top ten tuesday

Reasons I’ve DNFed a book

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. Create your own Top Ten list that fits that topic – putting your unique spin on it if you want. Everyone is welcome to join but please link back to The Artsy Reader Girl in your own Top Ten Tuesday post.

This week’s topic is Petty Reasons You’ve DNF’d a Book.

I’m still learning to DNF books – I’ve always been a bit of a Magnus Magnusson “I’ve started, so I’ll finish” but over the last 18 months or so, I’ve started learning that it’s ok to stop reading a book I’m not enjoying for any reason. It doesn’t matter if I’m 5% or 65% of the way through – it’s not fair on the author, on the book, on me and life is too short/my TBR is too big to read a book I’m not enjoying.

Although I do find, especially with Libby and Borrowbox where I try more different variety of book than I otherwise would, that there’s a lot of books I stop reading somewhere in the first parag/first page and they don’t even get logged as started in order TO DNF – I basically class them as not started. But I will be including them here.

So, in no particular order – and I don’t know petty some of these are per se:

Layout/formatting issues or choices
If there’s no paragraph breaks and I’m facing just a huge wall of text, that’s an instant nope for me. The same goes for no speech marks when characters are talking – It just gives me the ick.

Lack of editing
I once DNFed a book because the tense had changed three times on one page and the guitarist was playing a ‘cord’. It’s a lack of care, and I’m not reading something that hasn’t had even the most basic of editing.

Short chapters
I HATE short chapters – when they’re just two or three pages long. It feels like I’m being constantly thrown out of the story, especially when the POV or scene changes every time. It feels like the author doesn’t know how to finish a scene so just… stops. I refuse to read James Patterson because of it.

I don’t like the narrative voice
Sometimes, you just don’t like the ‘sound’ (I don’t listen to audiobooks so I mean the written voice as it were) of the narrative – often for me it’s because it feels flat or boring and leaves me not caring. I also don’t have a huge amount of patience for an unreliable narrator.

Multiple perspectives/POV but they sound the same
Following on from that, when a book is being told from multiple characters’ perspectives, but the narrative voice doesn’t change and sounds exactly the same. I should be able to tell without your header telling me that this is a different person narrating this bit of the story because no two people sound the same.

Story/topic just doesn’t grab me
I have ADHD and all the related attention-span fun that comes along with that. If a book doesn’t grab my attention within the first couple of pages then chances are, I’ll put it down to do something else and never pick it back up again.

It started off well but lost my interest
Sometimes, a book will get past that initial attention-grab, I’ll keep reading it and it seems like everything’s going well. Only then I’ll realise I haven’t picked it up in 6 months, I don’t actually care about the characters or the story, I pass over it every time I’m picking what I’m going to finish/read next, and I just don’t want to read it. And so it gets DNFed.

Unlikable characters
I prefer plot-based stories to character-based ones, I like books where something happens but at the same, I have to care about the people that the plot is happening to. If I don’t care about them or the things happening to them, there’s no point in continuing to read.

Jumping the shark
When a story hits the point where its just throwing in random ideas out of completely nowhere that have nothing in common with anything else in the story, I end up just rolling my eyes and being completely DONE. There was one book I was reading last year that I DNFed at 46% because out of the blue the narrative just went ‘oh, BTW, main character’s secretly actually a hellhound’ and NOPE.

Hyperfixation over
This is more for non-fiction books but quite often I’ll have a hyperfixation on a particular topic and start reading All The Things. But then that hyperfixation can disappear as quickly as it starts and I have absolutely no interest in finishing, for example, the random chemistry/geology/astrophysics (to name a few examples from the last year or so) book that I started months ago.

What are some things that will make you DNF a book?


The Llama came back

Hello internet!

Apologies for the disappearing over the last 6 weeks or so. It’s been a rough time. My mental health tanked a bit in the last couple of weeks of my old job and the place I was working showed their true colours with regards to how they viewed disabled employees and accessibility.

I started my new job just over a month ago and so far so good – the learning curve is very steep, they do AP very differently to anywhere I’ve worked before. The people all seem lovely and I’m starting to get my confidence back, so that’s a good thing.

The last couple of weeks though have been very hard on my mental health. The anniversary of my dad’s death, the date that would have been his birthday AND Mother’s Day all falling pretty close together.

And because that wasn’t enough (or possibly because I was so stressed) I managed to get sick on top of it. Fun times y’all

I’ve been taking the best care of myself that I can – not pushing myself too hard, resting as much as I can – and I think I’m starting to come out the other side. My overall mood is starting to improve and my mood swings are less frequent, although I’m still exhausted.

I think my main goal for April is going to be ‘find the new morning/evening routines’, get back into the blogging routine, and ramble at length about the books I’m enjoying again – because somehow I’ve already read 23 books this year, and am close to finishing about 8 more!

book blogger hop

2024 Anticipated Reads

The Book Blogger Hop was originally created by Jennifer from Crazy-For-Books in March 2010 and ended on December 31, 2012. With Jennifer’s permission, Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer relaunched the meme on February 15, 2013. Check out the hop here!

Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end on Thursday. There will be a weekly prompt featuring a book related question. The hop’s purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog.

The Question of the week is: Do you anticipate any upcoming 2024 reads? If so, what are they?

I’m sure there are many many exciting books coming out in 2024 but I genuinely don’t know what they are. I also don’t even know where to look to find out! I know that Goodreads has an upcoming releases section but other than that? I got nothing

Part of me doesn’t want to know. I have enough of a TBR without getting excited about things that haven’t come out yet, y’know?

But then I do know that Andrea Penrose has TWO books out this year – The Diamond of London (a historical) is coming out later in January and the 8th Wrexford & Sloane is coming out in September (and that one I’m super excited about – I’ve almost finished Murder at the Merton Library, and having read all the books back to back over the last couple of months was feeling quite sad that I didn’t have another one).

I’m also really looking forward to my library reservation of Raynor Winn’s Landlines finally being ready. I’m first in the queue and it’s due back in 13 days!

And, of course, there’s lots of books on my TBR I’m looking forward to actually reading

top ten tuesday

Funny Book Titles

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. Create your own Top Ten list that fits that topic – putting your unique spin on it if you want. Everyone is welcome to join but please link back to The Artsy Reader Girl in your own Top Ten Tuesday post.

This week’s topic doesn’t appeal to me, so I’m picking one from the archives of Funny Book Titles because I’m falling quickly into the cozy and/or paranormal mystery (and a little paranormal romance, lets be honest LOL) world and I am fucking loving some of the wonderful puns that these books have.

Chris Abernathy – Paw and Order
Sarah May Bird – Feline Deadly
Casey Blair – A Coup of Tea
Jessica Clare – What the Hex?
Jane Hinchley – Ghost Mortem

Erin Johnson – With Scream & Sugar
Kate Johnson – Hex Appeal
Maisy Marple – Burger & Dies
Chelsea Thomas – Murder on the Orient Espresso
Nancy Warren – Bakers Coven

Honestly, that was a LOT harder than I expected it to be. I usually find loads of really funny, punny, titles when I’m getting my ebook-deal emails, when I’m pootling around Amazon and Goodreads… but of course, because I was looking, I couldn’t find any. Always the way. Next time, I’ll start a list as I find them! LOL

www wednesday

WWW Wednesday – 21st June 2023

It’s Wednesday which means it’s time for another WWW Wednesday

What are you currently reading?
Alix E Harrow – The Once And Future Witches
OMFG! I started it yesterday, I’m about 150 pages in, just got to the end of the first meeting of the Sisters Of Avalon and I AM COMPLETELY IN LOVE. The writing is chefs kiss beautiful, the world is rich and tangible and every time some variation of ‘there’s no such thing as witches. but there will be’ is mentioned, I get GOOSEBUMPS!

Wendy Jago – How to Manage Your Mammoth: The Procrastinator’s Guide to Getting Things Done.
I picked this up from the library purely based on the title because it kind of intrigued me – I’m a terrible procrastinator, although how much of that is ADHD I don’t know. Also the cover made me laugh. I’m a couple chapters in, not entirely sure how useful it’s going to be but we’ll see.

What did you recently finish reading?
Peter Ackroyd – History Of The England: Foundation
I took my time reading this, really savoured it because hi, special interest anyone? Literally covered neolithic through to the Wars Of The Roses. I was filled with complete and utter glee for most of the reading and loved that even though he covered a HUGE amount of info, he didn’t get bogged down in the details. Straight-forward, to the point and a really good overview of the history of England.
Book 2, The Tudors, will be purchased on pay day!

What do you think you’ll read next?
I’m not sure, actually. Possibly either CS Lewis – The Horse and His Boy, or Alexis Caught – Queer Up

book blogger hop · weekly wednesday blogging challenge

Weekly Wednesday Blogging Challenge & Book Blogger Hop

And, once again, I find myself needing to catch up on both Weekly Wednesday Blogging Challenge and Book Blogger Hop, so without further ado:

The Weekly Wednesday Blogging Challenge questions are:

Films to watch when you’re having a bad day
I’m generally not a big film person, I usually turn to TV shows rather than movies although my go-to movies will always be Star Wars and Jurassic Park. TV wise it’s Buffy, Leverage, Stargate and Supernatural.

My thoughts on small talk
I hate it, I find it incredibly painful to do. It’s bland, it doesn’t mean anything, it’s pointless and it’s boring. I’d rather have a conversation about something important or exciting, I love talking with people about the things they care about, or are passionate about.

And for Book Blogger Hop we have:

Have you ever read with a book light?
Not that I recall. I didn’t do the torch under the covers as a kid either – I don’t recall not being allowed to read, even well past my bedtime, I just had the light on. It’s the same now as well, and I do still read well past my bedtime. I do appreciate the backlight on my Kindle though!

Have you tried a reel on Instagram
Nope, I don’t generally watch them either although I love watching TikTok videos. I don’t like seeing/hearing myself on video and I don’t know enough about editing to do any of the other kind of videos.
I am figuring out using my book instagram though – I’m using the May Photo a Day challenge as well as trying to remember to post the books I’m reading as I finish them

Have you ever been told that you have an excessive number of books? If so, what was your reaction?
Oh many many times, and that I read too much. I’ve heard that SO many times. I now generally just laugh and I’ve learned over the years that anyone who harshes my squee on that isn’t someone who’s worth having in my life – the people who matter understand that it’s important to me and encourage my love.