weekly wednesday blogging challenge

Describe your Fashion Sense

This week’s question over at the Weekly Wednesday Blogging Challenge is one that made me cackle out loud! Describe Your Fashion Sense because dear god I do not have one. I have absolutely no sense of fashion at ALL

I don’t think I’ve ever dressed ‘fashionably’. I am a plus-sized llama with even bigger boobs. I have always had boobs, I was like a DD by the time I was 14/15 so I’ve never been able to wear general high-street fashion because it’s literally not designed to fit me. And even if it was, I plain Did Not Like It At All which, since hindsight has 20/20 vision, is because I was looking at women’s clothing.

So, I basically live in either geeky or band t-shirts, a pair of jeans if I have to leave the house, otherwise nice comfy sweatpants. I wear bright colours, usually many layers – a plain long-sleeve shirt under the aforementioned t-shirt is my standard, with a plaid shirt/hoodie/jumper depending on the temperature. I’ve recently fallen in love with Run & Fly or Lucy & Yak dungarees but they are not cheap. Most of my clothes are thrifted. I do love knee-high brightly coloured, preferably stripey socks.

I’m a lapsed goth. My favourite shop as a teen was United Colours of Benetton – and I had these amazing rainbow-striped pants. I was emo/scene in my mid-20s. I aspire to a Vibrant Academia aesthetic kind of style. But mostly, I want to be comfortable and warm!