Book Blogger Hop: Book Tours
The Book Blogger Hop was originally created by Jennifer from Crazy-For-Books in March 2010 and ended on December 31, 2012. With Jennifer’s permission, Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer relaunched the meme on February 15, 2013.
Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end on Thursday. There will be a weekly prompt featuring a book related question. The hop’s purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog.
The Question of the week is: Have you ever participated in a book tour?
I have not, and before a couple of days ago, I didn’t even know what one was. I’d seen them around, seen other bloggers posts with the phrase in the title but didn’t really pay much attention or know what it was. But then, on Friday, my friend Jaimie Admans posted the cover reveal for her newest book The Beekeeper at Elderflower Grove
I have not, and before a couple of days ago, I didn’t even know what one was. I’d seen them around, seen other bloggers posts with the phrase in the title but didn’t really pay much attention or know what it was. But then, on Friday, my friend Jaimie Admans posted the cover reveal for her newest book The Beekeeper at Elderflower Grove
It’s out on July 15th and the link to pre-order is Bringing it back to the topic of book tours, there was a tweet announcing one and, as it’s Jai, I was interested but didn’t know what it was. So I asked the question, Elaine @ Splashes Into Books kindly explained “You’ll be given an e-copy of the book and a date on which to share your review. Near the time of your agreed date you’ll be given access to materials to help you create your post – you can sort them to suit your blog, add your review and schedule it to post on your date. Done!”… and now I’m quite tempted to take part!Having moved into her mum’s spare room after a disastrous break-up, Kayleigh Harwood is desperate for a fresh start. When she sees an opening for a new beekeeper at the old manor house at Elderflower Grove she jumps at the chance – despite not knowing a thing about bees… The abandoned house holds a mystery of its own – the previous owner vanished years ago – and locals have been inventing stories about the manor ever since. Unable to resist the urge to look around, Kayleigh is shocked to find drop-dead-gorgeous gardener Carey living inside! Carey explains that the house and surrounding land is at risk of being demolished, endangering the bees, and he has been staying there to protect it. Convinced the secret of the house holds the key to saving Elderflower Grove’s bees, Kayleigh is prepared to do everything she can to help. But is she ready to find her own happy-ever-after too…?