weekly wednesday blogging challenge · www wednesday

Weird Food and What I’m Reading Wednesday

It is now Thursday that I’m getting round to posting this – but I did at least start writing it yesterday (Wednesday). The evening got a little busy, I got hyperfocused on completely my ‘Adult’ Autism Assessment referral form (the irony of hyper-focusing on something relating to being ND is not lost on me), I lost track of time, and then it was bedtime. But hey ho, that’s the way it goes.

This week’s Weekly Wednesday Blogging Challenge asks about weirdest food you love and I’m actually already grinning about this because it’s a Thunder and Lightning. Anyone who isn’t from the West Country is already confused so allow me to explain:
You take a nice thick slice of fresh bread, a good spread of butter, a generous spread of golden syrup, and then a dollop of clotted cream on top. (If you’re Cornish and do it wrong, you can always put cream on first and then drizzle the syrup, but I’ve always done syrup then cream because that’s the correct Devon method.) When I was a kid, my dad used to pair it with an ice cream float.
And now I’m hungry LOL

Can I also just say I’m looking forward to next week which is all about fanfiction – and fic just happens to be one of my favourite things!

WWW Wednesday
What are you currently reading? Mira Grant – Symbiont. And it’s keeping my attention well enough that it’s the only book I’m really reading right now. I usually jump around between 3 or 4 as you know
What did you recently finish reading? Joanna Hickson – First Of The Tudors
What do you think you’ll read next? Natalie J Case – Thanátou

6 thoughts on “Weird Food and What I’m Reading Wednesday

  1. You didn’t tell them about my mud pie take on the thunder and lightning – nutella and clotted cream, om nom nom nom!

    1. I think it’s very much a localised thing – but I highly recommend it. It’s soo good, super sweet but utterly delicious!

  2. It looks like my previous comment didn’t go through. Let’s try again.

    Thunder and Lightning sounds like a great dessert. I’d never heard of it before.

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